TryHackMe | Inclusion Walkthrough
This is a simple beginner-level Local file Inclusion box.
Starting with a simple nmap scan
nmap -sS -sV -A <IP>
We see that 2 ports are open (22,80). It means there must be a webpage.
We get this page and as we know it is an LFI challenge but there is no parameter in the URL to inject our LFI payload. Looking around we find a parameter by name.
Using this to view the /etc/passwd file. Here can see the password and username for ssh login commented out.
Using the credentials to log in via ssh
ssh falconfeast@<IP>
Here we find our first flag.
Privilege escalation
checking for commands that we can run as root
sudo -l
Using payload from GTFObins for socat
sudo socat stdin exec:/bin/sh
Finally, we have our root flag!!